Welcome to Yantao Wu’s homepage 😃

I am a Math PhD candidate in Johns Hopkins University.
My advisors are Prof. Yannick Sire and Prof. Mauro Maggioni.

Research interests

  • regularity & singularity formation of parabolic partial differential equation
  • nonparametric statistical learning.


  • Y. Sire, Y. Wu, and Y. Zhou. Global Existence of Weak Solutions to the Two Dimensional Nematic Liquid Crystal Flow with Partially Free Boundary. arXiv preprint. arXiv:2308.04358
  • Y. Sire, Y. Wu, Y. Zhou. Geometric variational problems with free boundary: harmonic maps, minimal surfaces and applications to a new model of Liquid Crystal Flow. Coimbra Mathematical Texts, to appear.
  • L. Kennard, Y. Wu. Halperin’s Conjecture in Formal Dimensions up to 20. Communication in Algebra. 2023, Volume 51, Issue 8. paper